Resource records or items, in doogiePIM, can be added, edited and deleted. Each operation can be done only when you are in the Resource section.
To Go To The Resource Section
Choose from the Main Menu "File/Go To Section/Resources", or
Click on the Main Section Toolbar icon:
To Add A New Resource
Choose from the Main Menu "Resource/Add a New Resource", or
Right Click on the Resources List grid and choose "Add a new Resource", or
Click on the Vaults items toolbar icon:
"Add a New Resource"
With the Resource's details window is open, fill in the input boxes and edit the details as needed:
When you are satisfied with the details you have entered, click on Save to save the details or click on Cancel to cancel any changes made.
To Select A Resource
Left click on the Resources List where the Resource is displayed. The Resource is selected when it's highlight color is shown.
To Edit An Existing Resource's Details
Choose from the Main Menu "Resource/Edit Selected Resource", or
Click on the Records Toolbar icon:
Edit Selected Resource (located above the List Grid), or
Double Click on the Resource in list view or card view.
The operation of editing is the same as adding. See the details above for more information.
To Delete An Existing Resource
Choose from the Main Menu "Resource/Delete Selected Resources", or
Click on the Records Toolbar icon:
Delete Selected Resources (located above the List Grid)
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